{One} Shot at a time...

September 19, 2013  •  Leave a Comment
For those of you who were born post-1999, or who just didn't know me back then, I used to be a pretty serious athlete.  Ok, so, maybe not 'serious', but I took my sports (basketball and softball) pretty heavy during the seasons (in between crazy bus singing, poster-making for the boyfriend, of course).  And I kept hearing the same inspirational words... "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take", which is the truth, no matter if my work is on the basketball court, on the soccer field, or behind a camera.  This little phrase has been tucked away in my mind and resurfaces back again when I least expect it.

But on Saturday, this phrase came back to me in a different way when I was (literally) shooting some detail images.  I have a problem with comparing myself with others (don't we all?!), and especially when it comes to being the best I can be with my craft.  I try extremely hard, I try to stay fresh, inspiration-driven, yet not copy others, while being friendly and working hard to give my clients what they deserve.  So while I was out there shooting, getting very excited about (below!) this shot, I thought to myself... Even the "Greats" still shoot one shot at a time, they take the shots that make sense, reflect their style, tell the story.  I'll never 'arrive'.  Everyone is always working... there will never be a time when my shots take themselves, when the images make themselves... it is a process, and a work in progress.  I strive to achieve certain goals, but I hope that I never settle... that I never arrive... but that I take one shot at a time, to build my craft and set my standards higher.


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